All of Isanti County’s children deserve a safe, secure, and nurturing community.
Our mission is to work in partnership and collaboration to empower and provide opportunities for children and families.
Our Mission
To work in partnership and collaboration to empower and provide opportunities for children and families.
Our Vision
We actively maintain, build, and expand collaborative partnerships that work to strengthen our community, increase resources for families, provide advocacy, and ensure quality delivery of services to children, youth, and caregivers.
Our Goal
To break down the silos and to cohesively create a resilient community where all children and families are embraced, given opportunities, and supported.
Monthly Newsletter.
Every month we send out a Newsletter that shares Collaborative updates, free and low cost events in Isanti County, and any trainings that support our initiative. Fill out the form to get on our mailing list.
Do you have a free and/or low cost family friendly activity/event coming up? Let us know so we can help spread the word!