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Collaborative and Evidence-Based Way to Help Prevent Suicide

Are You Looking for a Collaborative and Evidence-Based Way to Help Prevent Suicide?

The Upper MN River Valley Suicide Prevention Coalition is offering Lethal Means Safety Training

When: November 1, 2023

Time: 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm

Place: Online/Virtual (See TEAMS link below)

Cost: FREE

Lethal Means Safety Training will review:

When someone attempts or dies by suicide many people want to understand the WHY. Come and learn the importance of HOW the information can help prevent further suicides.

What: Lethal means are objects (e.g., medications, firearms, sharp instruments) that can be used to inflict self-directed violence. Lethal Means Safety (LMS) is an intentional, voluntary practice to reduce one’s suicide risk by limiting access to those lethal means.

Why: Creating space and time between an object a person is thinking about using to die by suicide can prevent suicide.

Presenter: Laura Stumvoll, BSN MS, is the Community Engagement and Partnerships Coordinator from the St. Cloud VA. Her role is to provide technical assistance to community led suicide prevention coalitions and education on the subject.

Meeting link: Microsoft Teams meeting

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Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 249 316 394 025 Passcode: XJmmDX

Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 872-701-0185,,618827296#

United States, Chicago. Phone Conference ID: 618 827 296#

October 31

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November 2

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