Safe Spaces: Foundations of Trauma-Informed Practice for Educational and Care Settings helps early care providers, TK-12 educators, and other school personnel recognize and respond to trauma and stress in children and create nurturing environments for enhanced learning and development. This free online training was developed by the Office of the California Surgeon General in collaboration with experts in education, youth mental health, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) research. It is part of California's Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative, a historic effort to reimage and transform the way California supports children, youth, and families. The training includes three learning modules for individuals who work with ages 0-5, 5-11, and 12-18, and is available in English and Spanish.
Safe Spaces Modules:
Module 1 (ages 0-5): This module is focused on how to respond to trauma and stress in children between ages 0-5 and create nurturing learning environments. It is designed for early care providers, home care providers, and any individuals that work with children ages 0-5
Module 2 (ages 5-11): This module is focused on how to respond to trauma and stress in children between ages 5-11 and create nurturing learning environments. It is designed for educators, administrators, and other school personnel – any individuals who work with children ages 5-11
Module 3 (ages 12-18): This module is focused on how to respond to trauma and stress in children between ages 13-18 and create nurturing learning environments. It is designed for educators, administrators, and other school personnel – any individuals who work with children ages 12-18
Professional Credit:
Credits available: 6.0
After each module, you will be required to take an evaluation to receive professional credit.
Providers can earn up to 6.0 continuing education credit for completing the “Safe Spaces: Foundations of Trauma-Informed Practice for Educational and Care Settings” course. The credit breakdown for each module is the following:
Module 1: Ages 0-5 (2.0 credits)
Module 2: Ages 5-11 (2.0 credits)
Module 3: Ages 12-18 (2.0 credits)
Spanish Version: All modules are also available in Spanish.
Describe foundational concepts related to trauma-informed practice, healing, and resilience
Develop awareness of the brain’s response to stress, its impact on behavior, and protective factors on mental and physical health and well-being
Describe the essential role of positive relationships in protecting social, emotional, and mental well-being
Recognize developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive trauma-informed and healing-centered supports
Content: 3 modules
Course Length: 2 hours
Level: Intermediate