
The IEP is the key to obtaining a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) for students with special needs. Assessments are crucial to developing an appropriate IEP. So often we find, however, that IEP meetings and the assessment process leaves non-educators dazed and confused. 

In this course, non-educators will learn to:

-Review an IEP document with understanding 

  • Attend and participate in IEP meetings in a meaningful way

  • Review an assessment with a practical and critical eye

  • Interrupt the practice of school administrators dominating IEP meetings

  • Effectively advocate for appropriate services and placement

This training is brought to you by: HOPE FOR FAMILIES

Content: 3 modules

Course Length: 1 hour

Level: Basic


Creating Positive Connections for Families in the Child Welfare System: ON-DEMAND


We Came for the Rhythm, Stayed for the Healing: The Power of Hip-Hop: ON-DEMAND